Move to Skövde

So you are about to move to Skövde? That sounds like a great decision.

Welcome to contact us ( länk

Activities för newcomers ( länk

Practical information (Livet i Skaraborg)extern länk

Education and daycare

From preschool and compulsory school to upper secondary school, the Municipality of Skövde offers well-developed, high quality daycare and education for your child.


The Municipality of Skövde offers you and your child quality childcare and education including Daycare Centers/Preschools that will meet your child's special needs.

The Educational Department offers both municipal daycare/preschools and independent daycare/preschools.

Children have the right to attend daycare/preschools, if their parents are working, studying, seeking employment or are on parental leave.

Please note that you should apply for preschool 6 months prior to desired start date. The Municipality is obliged to grant you a place 4 months after your application date.

Please list 3 different alternatives when you apply for daycare/preschool. This will give you a better chance to be placed at a Daycare Center/preschool of your own choice. Please note, you may not receive your first choice initially.


Apply for daycare/preschoollänk

Locate the nearest preschool to your home addresslänk

Rules and fees

Please read the information abour rules and fees that apply in our English preschool folder. Link to Information abourt childcare.

List of preschools

List of preschools in the Municipality of Skövdelänk

Mother Tongue Tuition

Children attending preschool or preschool class cannot be granted Mother Tongue Tuition. The Municipality can offer language support in Finish upon a pupil or caregiver’s request.


Please contact the Municipality Contact Center if you need additional information or have questions.

Compulsory School

The Municipality of Skövde's compulsory schools offer children a great environment to learn, develop and be creative.

You may choose a municipal school or an independent school for your child’s education. There are 20 municipal Compulsory Schools in Skövde. Elemantary and middelschools have a Day Recreation Center available for after school hours.

Compulsory School is mandatory for children between the ages of six- and sixteen-years old. This means that children are obliged to attend school from the fall semester the year they turn six years old (start preschool class) until completion of the spring semester the year they turn 16 years old (finish 9th grade).

Locate the nearest school to your home addresslänk


Register your child to attend schoollänk

Mother Tongue Tuition

Pupils in Compulsory School and Compulsory School for pupils with intellectual disabilities should be offered Mother Tongue Tuition if the following criteria are met:

  • One or both, of the child’s caregivers have another mother tongue than Swedish.
  • The language is used for daily communication and interaction in the child’s home.
  • The child has basic knowledge of the language

If five or more pupils are requesting Mother Tongue Tuition in the same language the Municipality is obliged to offer tuition granted a qualified teacher is available. For Mother Tongue Tuition in minority languages such as Finish, Yiddish, Meänkieli, Romani chib or Sami there is no minimum requirement to start tuition.

The Municipality is also obliged to offer Mother Tongue Tuition to children who are adopted and have a different mother tongue than Swedish, even if the language is not used for daily communication and interaction in the child’s home. The pupil must have basic knowledge of the language.

Please follow the link below to apply for Mother Tongue Tuition:


Form for Mother Tounge Tuitionlänk

E-service for Mother Tounge Tuitione-tjänst


Please contact the Municipality Contact Center if you need additional information or have questions.

Day Recreation Centers

The Municipality of Skövde’s Day Recreations Centers offer children a great environment before and after regular school hours.

For children between the ages of six- and thirteen-years old Day Recreation Centers are available to attend before and after regular school hours as well as during school holidays. Please note that children have the right to attend a day recreation center, after school hours if their parents are working or studying.


Apply to attend a day recreation centerlänk

Rules and fees

Please read the information about rules and fees that apply for day recreation centers in our English preschool folder:


The English preschool folderlänk


Please contact the Municipality Contact Center if you need additional information or have questions!

Upper Secondary School

All youth in Sweden who have completed compulsory school and are under the age of 20-years old have the right to a three-year upper secondary education.

There are several Upper Secondary Schools, both public and independent, available i Skövde.

You may choose between vocational programs if you plan to start working upon completing Upper Secondary School or higher education preparatory programs if you plan to apply for college after completing Upper Secondary School.

Municipal Upper Secondary Schools

There are 2 public Upper Secondary Schools in Skövde:

Västerhöjdextern länk

Kavelbroextern länk

Independent Upper Secondary Schools

In addition to the municipal Upper Secondary Schools there are seven indenpendent schools.

Indepentent schoolslänk

International Baccalaureate at NTI-gymnasiet

International Baccalaureate - IB, is an internationally recognized education with all teaching in English.

NTI-gymnasietextern länk

Mother Tongue Tuition

Pupils in Upper Secondary School should be offered Mother Tongue Tuition when the following criteria are met:

  • One or both, of the child’s caregivers have another mother tongue than Swedish.
  • The language is used for daily communication and interaction in the pupil’s home.
  • The pupil has good knowledge of the language

If five or more pupils are requesting Mother Tongue Tuition in the same language the Municipality is obliged to offer tuition granted a qualified teacher is available. For Mother Tongue Tuition in minority languages such as Finish, Yiddish, Meänkieli, Romani chib or Sami there is no minimum requirement to start tuition.

The Municipality is also obliged to offer Mother Tongue Tuition to pupils who are adopted and have a different mother tongue than Swedish, even if the language is not used for daily communication and interaction in the child’s home. The pupil must have basic knowledge of the language.

Apply for Mother Tongue Tuitionextern länk


Please contact the Municipality Contact Center if you need additional information or are interested to apply for Upper Secondary Schools.

University of Skövdeextern länk

Swedish for Immigrants, SFIlänk

Sidan uppdaterades: 21 januari 2025
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